Library Update School Info Village Office Cass County News
2023 Mandatory Water Restrictions for residents that reside in Elmwood Village limits. Effective Immediately!
Odd addresses can water Monday & Thursday Even addresses can water Tuesday & Friday
If you are caught watering on a day that isn't your specified day you will be fined $50 for breaking the mandatory water restrictions.
This will be in effect until further notice.
Calling all artists in the Elmwood-Murdock Area!!
June 14, 2023, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Please come to this meeting Wednesday night June 14th and talk ART! The Nebraska Arts Council wants to know about art in Elmwood.
Remember, art is more than drawing or painting. Art is wood carving, furniture building, sculpting, baking, decorating, singing, acting, storytelling, quilting, sewing, crocheting, and so much more! What gets your creative juices flowing? Come and learn about the Nebraska Arts Council and see what they can do for Elmwood. You don't even have to be an artist to come and participate. Just being an art lover qualifies you! And there will be snacks! No doubt made by a culinary artist!
Exciting news about the Elmwood Cultural Arts & Learning Center continues:
The Nebraska Arts Council has chosen us, the Elmwood Cultural Arts & Learning Center, as one of the sites to host a Listening Forum to learn about local artists and assess area need and enthusiasm for the arts during the forum.
The Nebraska Arts Council aspires to positively impact lives of Nebraskans through the power of art by providing programming, grants, and opportunities to foster creative innovation statewide.
What a great opportunity for our community!
Please help us share news of this event scheduled for Wednesday, June 14, from 6 – 7 p.m. The attached flyer highlights all the details. Share the flyer with artists and arts enthusiasts so we can fill the Learning Center and showcase that our facility/community is THE perfect partner for the Arts Council! We can do this!
For more information on the Nebraska Arts Council, please visit their website at:
Cindy S. Drake Gary Hall Kelli Brewer Nina Landwehr Kurk Shrader Kristyn Meyer Shrader
Paul Siebert was the featured entertainer at the Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation summer social. He entertained about 75 people with his musical program that told the story of Nebraska and how the state seal tells the story of our history from Blacksmiths to agriculture.
Sara Parsons played patriotic music to match the theme of the presentation.
Before the program started the Bess Streeter Aldrich house was open for tours.
Elmwood Pie Ride
The first week of the 2023 Pie Ride was amazing. Hundreds of bike riders from Omaha, Lincoln, and the surrounding area enjoyed pie, ice cream, and music.
The Elmwood Methodist church had its largest fundraising day in the history of the pie ride.
Make sure to stop by on June 22 for pie and bring your chairs for the park lawn.
June 22: Chris Sayre, pie served by Christian Church at the church
July 6: Slick Fiction, (Lucas Stock’s band – folk rock), pie server tbd
July 20: Kuzi Taki, pie served by Methodist Church at the park
Aug 3: The Dustin West Band, doing a Gordon Lightfoot tribute, pie served by Christian Church at the church
Aug 17: Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal, pie served by the Community Center at the center.
The first two weeks of the Farmers market are in the bag and here is an appeal to make it even better.
We love our customers, the regular ones that come every week and the new ones that are from out of town that stop by just once. What they say is,...
"Is this all?", "Did the garage sales keep people away?" "Did we get here too late? Was there more here later"
What the Saturday market needs is more local vendors. Do you bake, have eggs, or have extra vegetables? Maybe you do crafts, make earrings, crafts or even wood crafts? Heck you can even make popcorn balls and brownies.
Then bring a card table, or even use a picnic table on site and make a little extra cash. Ask to be part of the Facebook Vendors Group on Facebook

The Elmwood Library serves the areas of Elmwood, Murdock, and Eagle.
It’s open Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings as well.
Elmwood Library Hours
Monday: 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Easy Library Links
Online Card Catalog
Libby Library App
Pie Ride Dates
Public Notices for Elmwood Nebraska can now be viewed online at Voice News Nebraska
The full report can be viewed at the Village office.
Village Board Meeting
ATTENTION Change as of 2023
Elmwood Village Board Meetings are ONCE a month on the FIRST Wednesday of every month.
The meetings are held at the new Village Board office located at the Learning Center on the south side of town.
Official agendas are posted the day before at the Post Office, Gas Station, and Village Office. Prior to the posting of the agenda, meeting items can be added to the meeting. At the end of each meeting is a Public Comment Section. Attendees have three minutes to speak about anything at this time. Further discussion on the topic can then be added to the next board meeting.
The agenda is posted at the Elmwood C-Store, the post office, and the Village office.
Minutes can be viewed at the Village office or can be found online.
Wouldn't it be amazing if the board meetings were FULL every time? This is your opportunity to be involved, be "in the know" and learn how to influence how your community grows, how improvements can be made, and how you can participate in the steps needed to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Village Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Send your updates, announcements, and photos of the events, at
Don't forget to send me your news
There are things happening. Who is in the news, who is making the news? This is what I need for the upcoming year
Sunday School 9:00 am September-May
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Live on Elmwood Christian Church Facebook Page.
Pastor: Mark L. Sewell
Take It Or Leave It Pantry
The free pantry is here to serve our community. It is for neighbors helping neighbors. Take what you need or leave what you can.
Elmwood #LittleFreePantry
The Little Free Pantry is located between Hufstader Chiropractor, the Elmwood Meat Market, and the Village Hall.

Online services are available on their Facebook page.
400 West G Street, Elmwood, NE 68349
Pastor Michelle Chesnut
Cell Phone 402-314-7988 Church Phone: 402-994-6735 Daycare phone is 402-994-2384.
E-mail: Website:
We are currently serving hard ice cream in dishes.
we have 8 different flavors to choose from.
Elmwood C Store
- Louisville Food Pantry
OPEN: every Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm
LOCATION: 304 Main Street, Louisville
Please come and pick up what you need for your household or a friend’s.
We have canned goods, boxed meals, breakfast items, frozen meats, bread, eggs, baking ingredients, cleaning supplies, personal care items, diapers, and wipes.
Click to Read todays SpringfieldNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays PlattsmouthNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays WeepingWaterNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays GreenwoodNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays NehawkaNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays CedarCreekNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays AvocaNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays ElmwoodNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read todays MurdockNebraska Newsletter
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Click to Read todays UnionNebraska Newsletter
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Community Sustaining Sponsors 2023
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor