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Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor

   Library Update School Info Village Office  Cass County News 

2023  Mandatory Water Restrictions for residents that reside in Elmwood Village limits. Effective Immediately!

Odd addresses can water Monday & Thursday Even addresses can water Tuesday & Friday

If you are caught watering on a day that isn't your specified day you will be fined $50 for breaking the mandatory water restrictions.

This will be in effect until further notice. 

Water Quality report >>  


plant sale 2023


Village Updates

Elmwood Board offic 2021

The full report can be viewed at the Village office. 

Elmwood pools 2023

Elmwood pools 2023b

Water Quality report >>  


 Village Board Meeting

Board meetings are open to the public and are held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.

The meetings are held at the new Village Board office located at the Learning Center on the south side of town. 

Official agendas are posted the day before at the Post Office, Gas Station, and Village Office. Prior to the posting of the agenda, meeting items can be added to the meeting. At the end of each meeting is a Public Comment Section. Attendees have three minutes to speak about anything at this time. Further discussion on the topic can then be added to the next board meeting.  

The agenda is posted at the Elmwood C-Store, the post office, and the Village office.

Minutes can be viewed at the Village office or can be found online.

Village board office shot


Wouldn't it be amazing if the board meetings were FULL every time? This is your opportunity to be involved, be "in the know" and learn how to influence how your community grows, how improvements can be made, and how you can participate in the steps needed to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Village Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

8 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm  - 4:30 pm

Friday CLOSED 

Cadet Program 2023


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Spring Has Sprung and Our Books Are MULTIPLYING!

Thanks to three recent grants awarded to your Elmwood Public Library, the collection of youth reference books has been updated and grown substantially!

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The Nebraska Library Commission awarded $2,000 for a Library Improvement Grant and $1,875 for a Youth Improvement Grant. Penguin Random House Publishing also awarded $500 for collection improvements.

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Library Director Anne Pope combined all three grants with a single purpose in mind; to improve and update the youth non-fiction area! In all, 300+ books have been added to the stacks. We invite everyone in to come look at the beautiful new additions.

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There’s a few new fiction books for both adults and kids as well!

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Come check-out the witty, “Lessons in Chemistry,” For kids we have the new Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys’ mysteries!

library summer 2023

 The Elmwood Library serves the areas of Elmwood, Murdock, and Eagle.

It’s open Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings as well.

CC139014A9AB480CB32B53C2E559B1F0 Elmwood Library Hours

Monday:  3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday:  2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Wednesday:  2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursday:  10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday:  10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Easy Library Links

Online Card Catalog 

Libby Library App   


2023Memorial Day Flyer

Wool Applique May 23 rev. 29Apr23

Wool Applique June 20 rev. 29Apr23

Folded Paper Stars Saturday June 24

1st Springtime Scramble Flyer

Springtime Scramble Front page

Springtime Scramble back page

Elmwood Farmers Market 2023

Bess Streeter Aldrich House Banner


Copy of Paul Siebert


classic book exhibit 2023


EMKnights Banner

Stay informed about the Elmwood Murdock School and the news from each class by reading the January school report. 


EM Students attend FCCLA State Leadership Conference
Ten Elmwood Murdock students attended the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Lincoln on April 2-4, 2023. The students attended sessions, completed community service projects, and competed with STAR presentations. Three EM students received top placing in their STAR projects and qualified to attend FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Denver this summer.

FCCLA 0402023

National qualifiers are:
Harrison Koehn, State Champ, Gold medal in Say Yes to FCS
Dakota Glasshoff, State Runner-up, Gold medal in National Programs in Action
Brody Marsh, State Runner-up, Silver medal in Interpersonal Communication

The following students also participated in their events and earned medals:
Charles Cawley and Michael Hynes, 3rd place, Silver medal
Brooke Goudie, 3rd place, Silver medal
Hannah Petersen, 8th place, Silver medal.

Six members also received recognition for completing the National Program, Power of One. They will also receive recognition at the National conference this summer. Those students are Carter Dankleff, Brooklyn Dowding, Charles Cawley, Kaia Sacco-Rohde, Harrison Koehn, and Michael Hynes. Congratulations to everyone on their honors!

Stay informed about the Elmwood Murdock School and the news from each class by reading the January school report. 
krispy kreme fundraiser flyer copy

Fundraisers to support Elmwood-Murdock FCCLA

Several Elmwood Murdock students qualified for FCCLA Nationals in Denver this summer. They are selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a few custom Knights shirts to help raise funds for their trip. Please consider supporting them.

Knights Shirts: Get some new Knights gear and help support Elmwood Murdock students who will be attending FCCLA Nationals. Erin Beth Designs has created a few custom Knights shirts and some baseball and softball shirts available for you to order. A portion of the proceeds will be used to support the EM students at FCCLA Nationals in Denver this summer.

Use this link to order Knights shirts.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts: The students attending FCCLA Nationals are selling doughnuts and coffee from Krispy Kreme to raise funds for their trip.

Support the students by ordering a dozen glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts or Krispy Kreme coffee (regular or decaf). You may also choose to purchase a dozen doughnut voucher that can be used at a Krispy Kreme location any time. Place your order now through May 5. All items will be available for pickup at the spring music concert on May 9, or they can be delivered locally.

Please contact one of these students or sponsors to place your order:
Dakota Glasshoff
Harrison Koehn
Charles Cawley
Mrs. Hynes

Thank you for your support of Elmwood Murdock FCCLA!

Elmwood Cultural Learning Center

Wool Applique Workshop portrait

Flyer for Workshops updated 6 Mar 23 

Pie Ride 2023

Lots of fun activities coming up this summer!
Stay tuned! In the meantime, here are this summer's Pie Ride to Elmwood Dates:
June 8, June 22
July 7, July 21
August 3, August 17
We have some great bands lined up, and our Pie Hosts are looking forward to serving you again!
Elmwood Farmers Market 2023

ElmwoodNE Community Center

ECC April Schedule of events.docx 1

Elmwood Community Center Menu April

Elmwood Healthcare Center 042023

Elmwood Cultural Learning Center
Schedule of Events for Learning Center for newsletter 

Babysitting 2023


Send your updates, announcements, and photos of the events, at  

   Don't forget to send me your news 

There are things happening. Who is in the news, who is making the news? This is what I need for the upcoming year

SEND NEWS and PHOTOS to      

BIG CALENDER 2023 1 2 2023

 Elmwood Christian Church

Sunday School 9:00 am September-May

Morning Worship 10:00 am

Live on Elmwood Christian Church Facebook Page.

Pastor: Mark L. Sewell  

Take It Or Leave It Pantry

The free pantry is here to serve our community. It is for neighbors helping neighbors. Take what you need or leave what you can.

Elmwood Food Box

Elmwood #LittleFreePantry

The Little Free Pantry is located between Hufstader Chiropractor, the Elmwood Meat Market, and the Village Hall.  


Did you know that the initial concept of this online town newsletter more than 20 years ago was supposed to be based
Yup, that's right. Back then it was harder to send in news. NOW, you can just email news and photos to It's that simple. 
Remember not everyone has Facebook. Really they don't. ...AND Facebook doesn't show all the content from community groups. 
By subscribing on your phone you will receive a TEXT every Wednesday and an easy-to-access link. 
Elmwood Nebraska TextSubscribe
 So make sure to submit your news to for added exposure for your event or activity.
Many rely on the weekly Wednesday text message that links directly to the website. 
Since our Elmwood website is updated on a weekly basis GOOGLE and visited by 100s of people per week,  search engines rank this site number ONE on Google. Normally Wikipedia, map-quest, or city-data comes up first. 

StPaulMethodistChurch Elmwood copy

Online services are available on their Facebook page.

Sonshine daycare


400 West G Street, Elmwood, NE  68349

Pastor Michelle Chesnut

Cell Phone 402-314-7988  Church Phone: 402-994-6735 Daycare phone is 402-994-2384.

E-mail:  Website: 



We are currently serving hard ice cream in dishes.
we have 8 different flavors to choose from.

Elmwood C Store

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Area News   

Murdock shredding day 04 04 2023


Colorful Strokes Employee of the Month Certificate 9 7

SOTW 05323




Library Quilt Raffle Made with PosterMyWall 1


2023 03 09 WW Be the Light card


- Louisville Food Pantry

OPEN: every Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm
LOCATION: 304 Main Street, Louisville

Please come and pick up what you need for your household or a friend’s.
We have canned goods, boxed meals, breakfast items, frozen meats, bread, eggs, baking ingredients, cleaning supplies, personal care items, diapers, and wipes


GP banner w text copy


TEAM bagthebutts 2023


team 2023 1 


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View auction inventory >>>

GP hardware sale

Rummage Sale 2023


   Support Our Neighbors

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Community Sustaining Sponsors 2023

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2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

LPSNRD Community Websites Sponsorship Banner
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

LPSNRD Community Websites Sponsorship Banner
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

OddDiet banner
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

All american banner
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor 

banner Omaha engraving 
2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor 

2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

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2023 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2023  Community Sustaining Sponsor

2023  Community Sustaining Sponsor

Sarpy Cass banner2023  Community Sustaining Sponsor

2023  Community Sustaining Sponsor

2023  Community Sustaining Sponsor