Hey Readers,
Hope you all have an AMAZING WEEK!! Send me an email if you want anything in the newsletter or if you have any question comments or if your just plain bored.
Me already for the Girls Basketball game! don't mind the messy room..haha
Saturday my family went to the Nebraska Spina Bifida Conference in Omaha. We met a lot of new friends. I painted faces on the kids with the help of my friend, Jodee. A magician, Jerrid the Incredible, performed for the kids while the parents were learning about different aspects of Spina Bifida and their kids. It was a fun day! We'll see everyone again at the Omaha Area Biker's Annual Pancake feed to benefit the Nebraska Spina Bifida Association on May 8th. If anyone is interested there will be a poker run sponsored by the Omaha Area Bikers on June 5th to benefit the Nebraska Spina Bifida Association. Check out the website for more information... http://www.spinabifidanebraska.org
Hunter is ready to roll!
Joe takes his turn as Jerrid the Incredible's assistant.
Mason picks out his design so I can paint his face.
Rory can't be stopped! Except to get her picture taken...she loves that!
Sunday at the rink
Jordyn and Atticus discuss how much they love picklecycles.
The Platte River Art Show
Hosted by Prairie Images
Saturday, April 10th, 2010 from 9a.m.-8p.m.
Sunday, April 11th, 2010 from 9a.m.-4p.m.
Held in the Peter Kiewit Lodge at Mahoney State Park
View some of the finest art in the country at what has become "The Most Prestigious Art Show on the River"
Many reputable and nationally known artist from eight different states will be offering their work for display and sale.
Wildlife, Landscape, Cityscape, Portrait, Still Life, Native American, Southwest, Americana, Impressionistic paintings in a variety of mediums. Sculpture, Wood Carving, Nature and Wildlife Photography, Rustic Metal Sculpture, Pottery an more!
Old West Rib Fest featuring BBQ Ribs
Saturday and Sunday, April 10th and 11th, 2010 from 11am-2pm (weather permitting)
Held in a tent outside Peter Kiewit Lodge
$5.75 per person
Meal Includes:
Three BBQ Ribs
Ranch Style Baked Beans
Cinnamon Apple Crisp
Coffee and Iced Tea
Live Broadcast with Greg Wagner
Saturday, April 10, 2010
1620 am the zone
In the lobby of the Peter Kiewit Lodge
Omaha's ESPN Radio
Are you thinking Spring? Flowers? Fresh Veggies?
Then help support the Louisville Fireman's Auxiliary raise money by attending our plant sale.
We are raising money to help with scholarships and other things we do.
Plants are locally grown in Fremont, from Janet's Jungle.
We are taking pre-orders till April 19th
You can contact for an order sheet or questions:
Candy McClun 234.4995
Teri McClun 234.4161
Plants will be available for pick up May 1st at the Fire Hall from 9am-3pm.
If you don't pre-order you can still stop by and check them out as we will have plants that day for you to purchase.
You are invited to attend the Community Lenten Service this Wednesday, March 10 at 7 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Murdock. The theme of the service is "The Power of Forgiveness" with dramatic stories from 5 individuals by way of a video. You are also invited to attend the Community Lenten Service on March 17 at 7 p.m. that will be held at the United Methodist Church in Elmwood.
Red Cross Blood Drive Coming Soon!!
They need donors!!
What: Blood Drive
Where: Elmwood-Murdock High School
When: March 16th, 2010
How: Email Deanna Vavak at dvavak @esu3.org or just show up on March 16th, 2010.
March 9 - D.A.R.E. Parent meeting for 5th grade parents at 7:00 p.m. in the library.
March 12 - We do have school. 
March 19 - Kindergarten Registration - There is no school for kindergarten students due to
kindergarten registration.
March 23-26 - TerraNova Achievement Tests for grades 2-6.
We are again doing theme baskets for each classroom for Silent Auction. K-Cookie Lovers, 1st-Family Games/Books 2nd - Birthday 3rd-Gardening 4th - Summer Fun/Barbeque, 5th - Coffee, 6th - Family Snow Day. The Spring Carnival is scheduled for April 16, 2010.
Did you miss Girl Scout cookie sales, or would you just like to buy an extra box or two? Our troop has limited amounts of the following varieties for sale: Caramel Delites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Lemonades, and Daisy-Go-Rounds. If interested, contact a Girl Scout or call Amy Rikli (580-8661) or Susan Ernst (994-6365). Thanks for supporting your local Girl Scout troop!
Date: March 15, 18, and 20
Time: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. and 8:00-12:00 a.m. on the 20th.
Place: Murdock Fire Hall
Instructor: Roger E. Buck and Dan Timm
Sponsor: Nebraska Game and Parks
For More Information Contact: Roger Buck - (402) 867-2557 or (402) 660-7045
Dan Timm (402) 416-4589
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 9th- D.A.R.E. Parent meeting for 5th grade parents at 7:00pm at the library.Friday, March 12th- We do have school
Monday, March 15th - EMMA monthly meeting @ Joe Bochgaloopies in Murdock. 7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 16 - Blood Drive
Friday, March 19 - Kindergarten Registration - Informational packets will be mailed next week. There is no school for kindergarten students due to kindergarten registration
Friday, March 19th - EM Junior High Appreciation Night @ Flying Wheels - 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Sunday, March 21st - EMMA Pancake Feed - Elmwood Fire Hall - 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
- March 23-26- TerraNova Achievement Test for grades 2-6
- Saturday, April 10 - ACT Test, EM High School
Friday, April 16 - Spring Carnival.