New Baby in Town!
Ty Racin Rice entered this world Thursday sliding sideways yelling Whoo Hoo, much to his mother's surprise. Ty was born a month early to Mike and Tiffany Rice of Elmwood. Even though he was early he still weighed in at 6 lbs. He's going to have to be a tough little guy to hold his own with his two older brothers, Mikey, 8, and Collin, 4. Ty's grandparents are Dan and Karen Rice. His quick arrival into this world plus his unique middle name set his destiny...another racin' Rice is here!
The library is selling Knight Signs!!! Stop by Thursday 9am-12 (noon) Before the game to get your sign!!
Pretty in Pink, Undefeated in Uniforms!!
Girls Basketball Goes To STATE!!
Since the girls high school basketball won, they will enter the tourney as the #1 seed and play at 2:00 p.m. at Lincoln High School on Thursday March 4, 2010. If this is the case, students will not have school on this day. We will have a staff workday until noon at which time the staff will be dismissed to attend the State Tournament.
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Pancake Feed!
Garrett gives the pancakes a thumbs up!
Clint and Josh get a lesson in making scrambled eggs.
Don Stille: Master Pancake Flipper
Brady, Wesley, Curtis, and Daniel find out what it is like to be on the other side of the food cart.
A great turn out for the pancake feed.
Cody Brown helps out by taking the donations.
The baseball pancake feed was well attended Sunday. Don Stille was manning the griddle when we were there and he flipped the pancakes with style. The sausage and eggs were delicious. Hopefully they raised enough money for the baseball teams. The next pancake feed is Sunday, March 21st. It is sponsored by the EMMA and will be free to the public. Just a way for the Elmwood Murdock Merchants Association to give back to all their supporters.
Cass County, NE was awarded a grant in the amount of $110,000, from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality's Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program. Altogether, the state received 93 applications requesting more than $3.3 million for litter reduction and recycling projects. A total of over $1,700,000 was awarded to 73 projects throughout Nebraska.
The grant program provides funds annually to Nebraska projects in three areas: public education, cleanup, and recycling. The funds awarded to Cass County through the Recycling and Litter Reduction Program will be used to implement a county-wide
Recycling program focused on household waste. The grant funds will allow the purchase of recycle trailers that will be rotated around the county on a predetermined schedule shaped by the members of the county "Green Team." Communities across the county have stepped up to do their part to make this program a success!
Funds will be used to provide education to the schools and public with instructions, and guidance on the recycling efforts in Cass County.
Mike Linder, Director of NDEQ said, "The grant funded projects provide innovative ways to educate the public about litter reduction and recycling and will reduce the amount of material sent to Nebraska's landfills."
The recycling trailer will move from community to community on schedule. This week the trailer is in Elmwood at the Elmwood City Park. Recycling boxes will be available at the Village office to aid in the collection of recyclables.
The Recycling Trailers are already in the Elmwood Park!
This is an example of the cardboard boxes we can purchase and then line with a trash bag to use to fill with the recyclable items. They are available at the village office for $1.00.
Bicycling Club
On behalf of the Great Plains Bicycling Club ( I would like to inform you of the details of our Spring Fling Bike Ride on Sunday, April 25, 2010. The ride
has one starting point at the Eagle Elementary School and another starting point at Louisville High School. The Murdock ballpark will serve as the mid-point SAG stop. Portable toilets will be provided at Eagle, Murdock, and Louisville.
Depending upon the weather, we will have between 100 and 200 riders. Along the route which includes Hwys. 34, 1, 66, and 50 we will have standard 3' X 3' traffic signs stating "Caution: Cyclist Ahead". Riders are advised in writing in and in pre-ride announcements of the laws pertaining to riding on county and state highways. We invite the riders to be Ambassadors for Bicycling.
The club also has a roving SAG vehicle between Eagle and Murdock and another between Murdock and Louisville to assist riders who have equipment failure or simple "run out of gas". In addition, members of the Lancaster County Ham Radio Club providing communications along the route.
Attached is a copy of our registration brochure with additional information.
This is our 7th bicycling event in Cass County. The club has greatly appreciated the cooperation and support of the Roads Department, Sheriff's Department, the schools and the communities. For the riders, they have become aware of the bicycling amenities that Cass County has to offer.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Pat Bracken
GPBC Co-Ride Director
Red Cross Blood Drive Coming Soon!!
They need donnors!!
What: Blood Drive
Where: Elmwood-Murdock High school
When: March 16th, 2010
How: Email Deanna Vavak at dvavak or just show up on March 16th, 2010.
Daisy meeting Monday, March 1 from 3:30 to 5 pm in the school library. Contact Susan Ernst (994-6365) or Amy Rikli (580-8661) with any questions.
Did you miss Girl Scout cookie sales, or would you just like to buy an extra box or two? Our troop has limited amounts of the following varieties for sale: Caramel Delites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Lemonades, and Daisy-Go-Rounds. If interested, contact a Girl Scout or call Amy Rikli (580-8661) or Susan Ernst (994-6365). Thanks for supporting your local Girl Scout troop!
We are again doing theme baskets for each classroom for Silent Auction. K-Cookie Lovers, 1st-Family Games/Books 2nd - Birthday 3rd-Gardening 4th - Summer Fun/Barbeque, 5th - Coffee, 6th - Family Snow Day. The Spring Carnival is scheduled for April 16, 2010.
Little League Baseball and Softball Registration forms can be downloaded at the school website (under forms) and at The registration deadline is March 1 to avoid a late fee.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, March 4 - No School. High school girls basketball play at 2:00 at Lincoln High School
Monday, March 15th - EMMA monthly meeting @ Joe Bochgaloopies in Murdock. 7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 16 - Blood Drive
Friday, March 19 - Kindergarten Registration - Informational packets will be mailed next week. There is no school for kindergarten students due to kindergarten registration
Friday, March 19th - EM Junior High Appreciation Night @ Flying Wheels - 6:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Sunday, March 21st - EMMA Pancake Feed - Elmwood Fire Hall - 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Friday, April 16 - Spring Carnival.