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Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor

Hey Readers,

Hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day weekend. Hope you like this weeks newsletter. For more information check out the weekly Murdock Newsletter at


Winter Formal Dance

Elmwood-Murdock High School offered a Winter Formal Dance last weekend for its students.  A big thanks to the parents and teachers who volunteered to sponsor it.  And to Dale Vanderford who was the DJ.  My mom insisted on taking pictures of me and all my friends who were at the house.


My honey and me.



We had to dig into the Village Inn Pie to make sure we had the energy to dance.


Kalee Brewer and Cole Dettmann


Brittnee Doll...she was cute as a doll!


Bridget Sukup was ready to cut loose.



Valentine's Skate Dance at the Flying Wheels!


Justin and all his friends


Girls signing up for the drawings


Roxy got this bear from her boyfriend, Caleb.


The junior high kids were reving up for Junior High Night.


Kabbie was exhausted by the end of the evening.


I bet his mom thought he was over the binky.


Just Chillin'


2009-2010 Science Fair


Drake Spohr


Raynee Stohlmann


Nathan Lockman


Judges checking out the exhibits.


WORK SHIFT schedule for volunteers for the Pancake Breakfast
8-9:30        Legion Baseball
8:30 - 10        Ponies (grade 7-8) / Softball 14, 16 Under
10-11:30     PeeWees (grade 5-6) / Softball 12 Under
10:30 - 12      WeeWee (grade 3-4) / Softball 10 Under
12-1:30       Squirts (grade 1-2) / Softball 8 Under
12-1:30       TBall (Pre K, K) -boys/girls



Bess Streeter Aldrich Birthday Open House

Sunday, Feb. 21, 2010 -- 2:00-5:00 p.m.

Bess Streeter Aldrich House, 204 East F Street, Elmwood

Celebrate the beloved author's 129th birthday with a guided tour of her historic home and complimentary birthday cake and punch!  Admission is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children ages 6-12 (ages 5 & under FREE).


February, 22nd @ 7pm
At the Elmwood Public Library


Heart Health: The Drugless Way to Prevent Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases were exceedingly rare until about halfway through the last century. Physicians sometimes had to travel hundreds of miles to see one case, and that was probably going to be their only chance. What happened? How did a disease that was once so rare become such a killer?
Join us for our monthly one-hour seminar where we talk about the causes of heart disease and the proven treatments and preventions. This information may save your life.


Lofte Community Theatre Volunteer Recognition

Each February the Lofte Community Theatre takes a deep breath before the start of its new season. An evening is set aside to salute its volunteers and honor them with food and gifts. This year, the Volunteer Recognition and Annual Meeting is set for Saturday, February 27th at 6pm.
The Dale Crosby Awards will be given to three of the Lofte's most outstanding volunteers. The award is named in honor of long-time Lofte President and friend, Dale Crosby of Weeping Water whom we lost in 2001. Mr. Crosby was a man who never found any job too small or unimportant. His dedication and hard work inspired many and he is still sorely missed.
In conjunction with the Volunteer Recognition activities, the Lofte Board of Directors will conduct a short business meeting to inform the public of its financial standing and plans for the future. Artistic Director, Kevin Colbert will also review the 2009 season highlighting his favorite performances and fondest memories. He will also announce his show selections for the 2011 season.
All members of the Lofte Community Theatre are invited to attend. Membership is earned if you have ever purchased a ticket, volunteered your time, donated funds or performed on stage. Basically, if you've ever been to the Lofte or helped in any way, you're invited! The evening is your chance to relax, catch-up with old friends and enjoy some delicious food.
Please RSVP for this event by calling the box office at (402) 234-2553 or emailing Jean Colbert at






Are you looking for that perfect gift?  Are you wanting to show your school spirit?  Here is your opportunity.  The E-M Boosters just got in a shipment of  EM Knight scarves and mittens.  Scarves are $15.00 and Mittens are $15.00 a pair.  To purchase these contact Cyndi Dwyer or Bonnie Brewer.

Please congratulate the following elementary students for qualifying and participating in the school Spelling Bee:  5th - Grace Althouse, Whitney Koehn, Kyle Huxhold, and Ericka Ritnour.  6th - Scott Bracken, Brandon Frates, Callie Zeorian, and Josiah Philson. 7th -  Taylor Kupke, Jeb Vavak, Trevor Lockman, and Dustin Anderson.  8th - Micah Philson, Alex Koehler, Lindsey Mills, and Aaron Poole.

Dustin Anderson was the champion with Jeb Vavak placing second. Dustin and Jeb will be representing our school at the Cass County Spelling Bee on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at the Louisville Public School. 9:30a.m. Brandon Frates placed 3rd and  is the alternate.  Congratulations to all of these excellent spellers.

We are again doing theme baskets for each classroom for Silent Auction.  K-Cookie Lovers,  1st-Family Games/Books 2nd - Birthday  3rd-Gardening  4th - Summer Fun/Barbeque, 5th - Coffee, 6th - Family Snow Day.  The Spring Carnival is scheduled for April 16, 2010.

We will be having a Hats On for Haiti Day on February 19.  Students will pay fifty cents to wear a hat on Friday, February 19, 2010 and the grade that collects the most money will choose a teacher to have an Ice Cream Sundae built on their head during an afternoon assembly on the 19th.  The assembly will be at 3:00 p.m. in the commons area.

Thank you to all of the parents that brought items for our bake sale on Thursday.  We will share the totals of the money we raised next week in the Knightly News.  Also thank you to the student council members that helped with concessions during the Science Fair.

Using food (egg) or drink (shake, malt) to promote reading, the students in grades 2 -6 were to draw a design using food of some kind or a drink and create a saying on a paper plate that promotes reading.  Grades K-1 colored a picture of a rabbit holding an ice cream cone with scoops of ice cream on it and the and the caption reading "Ice Cream For Books".

KB was a tie between Olyvia Greening and Devin Vrchota. KA was Taylor Douglas. 1A was a tie between Darienne Doll and Carson vonRentzell. 1B is Hunter Hansen. 2A is Chloe Hosier and 2B is Sydney Anderson and a creative award to Jordan Keene . 3A is Kate Zakaras and 3B is Sydney Kunz. 4A is Alice Richter and 4B is David Rikli.  5th grade winner  is Kyle Huxhold with overall good detail and slogan for reading , "Have a Thirst for Reading" and the runner up is Reilly Keene  for a catching saying , "Don't Be a Chicken , Read A  New Book". 6A winner is Olivia Lancaster for good detail and a good saying with the runner up Scott Bracken with the thought of a buffet of reading put into a design.  6B winner is Callie Zeorian for overall good design and a catching saying,  "Steak out in a Quiet Place and Read a Good Book", and the runner up is Megan Hawks using potato chips in design to promote reading.
Congratulations to all of the winners!  They were able to choose a free book from the Book Fair.

The 4th and 5th grade students will be attending a symphony at the Holland Center in Omaha on Friday, February 19, 2010.  They will be leaving at 8:30 a.m. and returning to school by noon.  They will eat lunch at school.  This trip is funded by the S.O.S. parent organization.


Click here to see the school's breakfast and lunch menu.

The Junior and Senior High School schedules are updated daily as changes occur.  Click  here to see the schedule: JR/SR Schedule

Upcoming events

  • February 16 - Girls BB Sub-districts at Lincoln Christian 6:00. E-M vs winner of Malcolm/Louisville game on Saturday 2-15. E-M vs ??? 6:00; Weeping Water vs. Palmyra 7:45

  • February 19 - Girls' and Boys' Golf Meeting - Friday, February 19, Murdock school library, 3:45 p.m. This brief meeting is for any girls currently in grades 8-11 interested in participating in girls' golf for next fall and boys currently in grades 9-12 planning on playing golf this spring.

  • February 19 - Hats on Day for the Haiti Relief Fund.

  • February 20 - Band Dinner Concert @ Murdock

  • February 26 - Elmwood Murdock Junior High Appreciation Night at the Flying Wheels! 6:30 - 10:00
    February 27 - Learn about the new Recycling Program - Cass County Fairgrounds 1:00 - 4:00

  • February 28 - EM Youth Baseball, Softball, Legion Program Pancake Breakfast 9:00 am - 1:00 pm - EM Elementary School

Community Sustaining Sponsors 2010:

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor