Hey Readers,
Hope you enjoy this weeks issue. If you have any question, comments or something you want in the newsletter just email me at Editor@elmwoodnebraska.com
"A Special Day at the Rink"
About 75 disabled kids from southeast Nebraska came for a day of fun at the rink. They skated, scootered, and ran around the rink. Even the blind kids skated! Heather McKinney, teacher at Nebraska City, and our cousin, organized the event for the second year. Kids come from Auburn, Nebraska City, Humboldt, and Syracuse to have some fun. Kids from Elmwood Murdock Junior and Senior High school volunteered to help out. Noah Tays, Justin Furgerson, Laura Fortney, Jessie Spaulding, Stacy Ronhovde, Paige Tuttle, Bridget Sukup, Joe Anderson, Garyn Folden, and I all had a great time with the kids.Paige even got asked out on a date!
Romeo got groomed!
My mutt was getting pretty scroungy so mom took him to Bath and Splash in Ashland along wtih our other dog to have a spa day. He was feeling pretty handsome when it was over. And he smelled a whole lot better, too.
For a story or more information check out http://www.indianagazette.com/articles/2010/02/01/a_news/10033593.txt
American Cancer Society Daffodil Days 2010
Please place your orders for your daffodils now - the deadline is 2/19/10 and flowers will be delivered in March. The flowers alone come in a bunch of 10 stems for $10 - the signature "Boyd's Bear" with flowers is $25 and the teal colored signature vase alone (no flowers) is $15. Availability may be limited based on response so place your orders as soon as possible.
Call the ACS Omaha Office at 402-393-5801 for ordering.
Daffodil Days supports all of the invaluable programs and services that the American Cancer Society offers Cancer Patients and their families.
Please mention the Cass County Relay For Life as your source of this information.
Thank you for your support,
Cass County Relay For Life Planning Committee 2010
A couple pictures of Elmwood Murdock Cub Scouts Pack 360 at a family outing on Friday night at the Lincoln Stars Hockey Game.
The cubs were able to go onto the ice after the game :)
Don't forget about Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby on Sunday, February 7th at 1:30 at the Flying Wheels. Come on down and cheer for your favorite Pinewood Derby Car!
Knightly News:
Surveys for attending the Elmwood-Murdock preschool and kindergarten for the next school year have been sent to all known eligible student in the district. Please contact the school regarding your child's attendance for the next school year if you have not already done so. Please contact us if you did not receive a survey or know of a potential preschool or kindergarten student that may have been missed in the mailings. Please contact Heidi Zierott or Bruce Friedrich if you have any questions.
Just a reminder that we have made the following changes in the school calendar so that we may make up snow days and prepare for the possibility of using more snow days during the rest of the school year.
Beginning January 25, 2010 the elementary school will begin 5 minutes earlier (8:15 a.m.) and extend 10 minutes longer (3:30 p.m.).
We will not be having early dismissal on January 18, February 15, and April 14, 2010. These will be full school days.
We will not be taking the Spring Break days on March 5, and March 12, 2010. We will have school on these days.
Elementary students should come to games with a parent or other responsible adult and not just be dropped off at the school. Children should be under the supervision of a parent or other responsible adult during the basketball games. Students and children should not be running and playing in the halls during the games. Thank you for your cooperation.
Upcoming events
- February 5-Karoake Night at Bulldogs 9:00pm-1:00am
- February 7-Pinewood Derby at the Flying Wheels - closed for skating
- February 9 - Tuesday - Elementary Science Fair 6:30- 8:00@ Elmwood
- February 10 - Wednesday - School Board Meeting 7:00 @ Murdock
- February 12 - Friday - High School Winter Formal
- February 12 - Friday - Spanish Club Meeting 7:00 @ Murdock
- February 12 - Friday - Band Trip Parents Meeting 6:00 @ Murdock
- February 13 - Saturday - Flying Wheels Valentines Day Skate Dance Dodge 6:30 - midnight
- February 14 - St Paul United Methodist Church Valentine's Banquet 11:30 - 1:00
- February 15 - Monday - EMMA meeting 7:00 pm
- February 20 - Band Dinner Concert @ Murdock