ElmwoodNE Banner
Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor



This is a picture I had to draw for AMEX. It was an Audubon project. Makes me think about spring!


Having a blast babysitting!




Let's face it, sometimes we need a little help in the romance department. Well, the Lofte Community Theatre in Manley has taken steps to create an enjoyable evening for singles, sweethearts and even old married folks!

On Saturday, February 13th, the Lofte is holding a special Sweetheart Event to celebrate Valentine's Day. The doors will open at 6:30pm. Wine tastings will be provided by Slattery Vintage Estates
of Nehawka. You can purchase a tasting, a glass, or buy a bottle of your favorite to share with friends! A variety of delicious hors d'oeuvres will be on-hand and later, the instrumental group, "Skylark" will take the stage. New this year, Krambeck Photography will be present for professional photo opportunities. Wine, appetizers, dancing, photo opps; the only ingredients missing are you and your date!

Tickets to this event are $20 per person. Due to liquor license requirements, wine tastings will be priced separately at the door. Advanced reservations are not required, but are strongly suggested. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call the Lofte Box Office at (402) 234-2553. You may also visit their website

The Old Avoca (Nebraska) Schoolhouse will celebrate the seventeenth annual Play-the-Recorder Month in March by offering a Beginning Recorder Workshop on Saturday, March 13, from 1 PM - 3 PM. Deborah Greenblatt, Master Artist with the Nebraska Arts Council, and member of the American Recorder Society, will lead the workshop. Pre-registration is required, and enrollment is limited. The $30.00 fee includes an instruction book, and a soprano recorder. Pre-registration is required, and enrollment is limited. For more information, call 402-275-3221, or send an e-mail to
Founded in 1939, the American Recorder Society is celebrating 70 years of service to its members and constituents--all recorder players including amateurs to leading professionals, students to teachers. It has some 130 chapters and consorts in the U.S. and Canada, where its membership base is over 2200, plus 130 members in 28 other countries.

Play-the-Recorder Month grew out of an event staged as part of an "ARS 50" anniversary celebration, during which members all over the world played a recorder piece simultaneously on April 1, 1989. Play-the-Recorder Day was first officially held in 1992, and then expanded to Play-the-Recorder Month the following year.

The ARS office in St. Louis, Mo, may be contacted at 314966-4082, or, or through the ARS web site, www.

Precise Ice
Learn to Skate
at Mahoney State Park
an official U.S.F.S.A. program for
ages 4+

Skater's Name:_________________________________________________

Age:________ Date of Birth:__________ Gender: M / F


Phone:_____-_____-_______ Email:____________________________

Parent's Name:______________________ Signature:_________________

Have you skated with Precise Ice before? Yes / No


Session 2

10:00-10:50 a.m.
Jan. 30
Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27
March 6, 13

Cost: $66.50*

*Add a once-per-year fee of $11.00 for a required membership in the USFSA and administrative costs
*Skate rental is available from the park for $3.00
*Park permit needed for entry into Mahoney State Park

Send application and make check payable to:
Precise Ice
5150 N. 90th Street Omaha, NE 68134
For information call: 571-3030







Note From Mom:

A big thank you to Mark Hogue, our local John Henry Plumber, and Dan Spaulding, our city guy, for helping get our backed up sewer issue resolved! Things were getting pretty ripe at our house.  Whew!  Now that it's fixed Dan tells me I need to do the laundry but skip the dishes.  He even recommended going out for pizza before I start the laundry!  I like the way he thinks!  Thanks, guys!  You are the best!!!!!


Upcoming events

  • January 29-Report Cards go home.
  • January 29 - Parents Night and Booster Appreciation Night at boys and girls varsity games
  • January 31-Flying Wheels Closed to the public for a private party
  • February 5-Karoake Night at Bulldogs 9:00pm-1:00am
  • February 7-Pinewood Derby at the Flying Wheels - closed for skating
  • February 9 - Tuesday - Elementary Science Fair @ Elmwood
  • February 10 - Wednesday - School Board Meeting 7:00 @ Murdock
  • February 12 - Friday - High School Winter Formal
  • February 12 - Friday - Spanish Club Meeting 7:00 @ Murdock
  • February 12 - Friday - Band Trip Parents Meeting 6:00 @ Murdock
  • February 13 - Saturday - Flying Wheels Valentines Day Skate Dance Dodge 6:30 - midnight
  • February 14 - St Paul United Methodist Church Valentine's Banquet 11:30 - 1:00
  • February 15 - Monday - EMMA meeting 7:00 pm
  • February 20 - Band Dinner Concert @ Murdock