April 6, 2022 – 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Hall
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, April 6, 2022. Chairperson Jared Blunt called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Blunt stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call was answered by Heather Scott, Renee Holland, Becky Kicak & Jared Blunt. Absent: Miki Bruns
Minutes: Scott made a motion, seconded by Kicak to approve March 16,2022 meeting minutes. RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims & Payroll: Holland made a motion, seconded by Scott to approve the Claims and Payroll for April 4th & 6th, 2022 RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims: Black Hills Energy $763.48, BOK Financial $71,595, Cass County Refuse $65, Clements Insurance $4,188, Core & Main $746.09, Frontier Coop $902.28, HR.S. HUGHES $157.70, IRS $1,687.21, Intuit $17.50, Kenneth Stratton $25.18, Lincoln Journal Star $36.36, Lincoln Winwater Works Co. $256.25, Meeske Ace Hardware $52.82, Midwest Labs $118.04, Moriah Lenz $143.96, Municipal Supply $106.38, NE Dept. of Revenue $354.74, One Call Concepts $22.62, OPPD $3,263.36, Ramada Midtown Conference Center $464.75, U.S. Postal Service $178, Verizon Wireless $55.60, Village of Elmwood $103.67, Windstream $194,WireBuilt $29, Salary $8,143.51.
New Business
Discussion/Action Approval process of SDL Licenses
It was questioned by a board member if Moriah should have signed off on the SDL License “Special Designated Liquor License” for the ECA Pitch Tournament held at the Elmwood Firehall because the board didn’t vote on it. Moriah reported to the board that in our Municipal code Book under Civil Administration, Village Clerk Section 1-404:C it states the clerk has the authority to issue and sign all licenses, permits and Occupation tax receipts etc. Holland stated that since this was in the Code book already that it was decided on in the past for the clerk to be granted the duty to be the designated signer for approval of said licenses. Holland stated that if it’s still in question then Kicak can request for it to be changed and an Ordinance would need to be done. Holland stated that Moriah wouldn’t have don’t it intentionally and if it was in question Moriah would have asked or found out how to handle the situation before approving.
Discussion/Action Annual TIF Report on Community Redevelopment Projects
Moriah supplied the board with their copy of the Annual TIF letter that has to go out to Elmwood board of Trustees, Elmwood-Murdock School, South East Community College, Lower Platte South NRD, Educational Service Unit #3, Cass County Trustees.
Discussion/Action Adding a Culvert in the Alley behind 216 West E Street – John Furgerson
John Furgerson asked the board if they would consider putting in a culvert to divert water from collecting in the alley way behind his house and he would split the cost with the Village. This has always been an issue with water building up in this area. The board discussed the matter and because it is Village property the Village needs to address this issue. Motion by Scott to approve the $1,600 bid for Mortimer Construction to install the Culvert in the Alley behind 216 West E Street, Second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Unfinished Business
Discussion/Action Research for Radio Reads/opt out Option
Kicak stated that this updating of more efficient radio read meters is on a national and even global level. It isn’t just Elmwood doing this update. Motion by Scott to have a opt. out option but also to consider a fee, Second by Holland. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion Location for new well – Ed Blunt
Ed showed the board the proposed map of where the new well locations could be and proposed that Site A is the recommended one per Tim Theres with the state. This well would be Northwest of the Bus Barn by the old air strip. Site A would be on Arlo & Vicki Fleishman’s farm ground. Arlo would like to know what he would get in return for the use of his ground. The board agreed that Site A is a good start, and we will do a test well to see if it is viable. The board will meet with Arlo to come up with an agreement once the test well results come back.
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Motion by Holland to approve February 7th & March 14th Minutes & March 30th Payroll & Claims, Second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Library Claims & Payroll: Black Hills Energy $157.18, Intuit $3.50, NE Dept. of Revenue $1.45, OPPD $68.21, Scott Bornemeier, LLC $60.34, United States Treasury $223.94, Windstream $48.28, NE Dept. of Revenue $16.11, Amazon $489.25, Elmwood Public Library $15.01, The Library Store $3,585.04, Salary $971.28
Park: Park Bathrooms are open for the season. Jeff turned the water back on at the concession stands and upon inspecting if the pipes froze, he said it was the flow value that was leaking and froze and didn’t seem to be any pipe issues. He will check the pipes in the ball field park once the pallets of concrete blocks are removed from the shut off.
Streets: No Report
Water: A total of 72 flow meters and Radio reads have been done so far.
Sewer: Jeff will be taking his test next Thursday. Planning/Zoning: Motion by Scott to approve February 28 ,2022 minutes, Second by Holland. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0, Next meeting is April 11, 2022 at 7:00pm
Public Comment:
Renee Holland – 114 Sydney Lane
Would like to be added to the next agenda to discuss the weed situation in the rocks that the village owns that are by her property.
Future Agenda Items:
Recommendations for Animal Safety Commission
Drill a new well
Fee for opt out Option (4/20)
Ordinance for opt out Fee (5/4)
Hiring Summer Help (4/20)
Weed Control behind 114 Sydney Lane – Renee Holland (4/20)
John Powers Cat issue (4/20)
Moriah’s Vacation time request (4/20)
112 North 4th Street – Romero/Vogt Property (7/6)
Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm