March 16, 2022 – 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Hall
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, March 16, 2022. Chairperson Jared Blunt called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Blunt stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call was answered by Heather Scott, Renee Holland, Becky Kicak, Miki Bruns & Jared Blunt
Minutes: Kicak made a motion, seconded by Bruns to approve March 2,2022 meeting minutes. RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
Claims & Payroll: Bruns made a motion, seconded by Holland to approve the Claims and Payroll for March 10,2022 RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
Claims: Elmwood C Store $7.99, Lincoln Winwater Works $6,420, Meeske Ace Hardware $18.97, Meeske Auto Parts $19.99, Midwest Lab $109.55, NE Dept. of Revenue $1,082.46, NE Generator Service $591.46, WireBuilt Company $29.
New Business
Discussion/Action introduction from Larry Burke running for Cass County Sheriff
Larry Burke was present to campaign for sheriff. Discussion was had regarding his background and leadership. Mr.Bruke discussed his vision to be more involved throughout the county and his goals as sheriff.
Discussion/Action 212 West F Street Meter – Brian & Rita
Brian and Rita were present and discussed their opposition to Radio Meter Reads in Elmwood and requested to opt out of a new meter at 212 F Street due to radiation concerns. Miki stated she would address concerns with the reader distributer.
Discussion/Action 421 West F Street water billing issue – Madison Zoz
Discussion regarding 421 there will be no changes and there is no action to be taken.
Unfinished Business
No Unfinished Business
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Bruns made a motion to approve the Library January 2022 Minutes and Claims/payroll for March 3,2022, second by Scott. RCV: YES Approved 5-0
Library Claims: Black Hills Energy $199.19, Intuit $3.50, NE Dept. of Revenue $15.80, OPPD $86.46, Scott Bornemeier $ 60.34, US Treasury $5.82, Windstream $48.96, Amazon $281.50, Elmwood Library $75.43, Follett School Solutions $756.73, Payroll $840.48
Park: Bathrooms will be open April 1st and the Baseball field park is defrosting.
Streets: Hein Construction will be in touch with Street Commissioner Heather Scott
Water: Village is not yet on a water restriction. Village is taking proactive measures to get the work out that there is a possibility of restrictions now, so residents don’t get sod. Elkhorn Fence will be putting in the 811 call to locate around the water tower tomorrow and will be installing the new posts to replace the fence late next week.
Sewer: Still waiting on the new pump to arrive.
Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is March 21, 2022 at 7:00pm
Public Comment: Correspondence:
Personnel: Jeff will have his Sewer test scheduled in April and will provide set date by April 6th meeting. Schedule was discussed, usage of timeclock, as well as sick policy.
Future Agenda Items:
Recommendations for Animal Safety Commission
Drill a new well
John Powers Cat issue
112 North 4th Street – Romero/Vogt Property (7/6)
Hiring Summer Help (4/20)
Research for Radio Reads/opt out options (4/6)
Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm
Minutes were taken by Rebecca Kicak.