March 2, 2022 – 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Hall
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Vice Chairperson Miki Bruns called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Bruns stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call was answered by Heather Scott, Renee Holland, Becky Kicak & Miki Bruns. Absent: Jared Blunt
Minutes: Kicak made a motion, seconded by Holland to approve February 16,2022 meeting minutes. RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims & Payroll: Holland made a motion, seconded by Scott to approve the Claims and Payroll for March 1 & 2,2022 RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
Claims: Cass County Refuse $65, Core & Main LP $6,755, Frontier Cooperative $165.38, IRS $796.87, Intuit $5.25, Jeff Clymer $85.79, Lincoln Journal Star $78.02, Meeske Ace Hardware $32.14, NE Public Health Enviro. Lab $293, NE Dept. of Revenue $208.95, OPPD $3,605.96, Quill $67.90, U.S. Postal Services $138, Windstream $194.28, Payroll $3,708.14 RCV: Yes: Approved 4-0
New Business
Discussion/Action 112 North 4th Street – Romero main street property
Current occupants located at 112 North 4th Street were in attendance for the meeting. They told the board that they have been looking at the places in Elmwood that have been available for rent, but the homes don’t have enough bedroom. They also said that they are looking into other options and have been pre-approved for purchasing a house but also looking into maybe building a house by her mom’s. The occupant said they need a little more time because they need to save money to be able to do one of these options and asked for an extension until June 30, 2022. Bruns thanked them for taking initiative and exploring their options. Bruns said she would be ok with giving them an extension until June 30th, but it would need to be approved by the board. Kicak made a motion to give an eviction extension until June 30, 2022, second by Holland. RCV 4-0
Discussion/Action meter charges for 421 – Madi Zoz
Madi is claiming that she has been overcharged for her water because there is only one main that goes into her duplex. Ed Blunt reported that several years ago there were 2 water lines that ran to the duplex building. One of the water lines had a leak on the owner’s side of the property. The said owner at the time didn’t fix the issue right and ran one main water line into the duplex. The plumbing then is set up to branch off in the building to two separate meters for each duplex. Therefore, she isn’t being over charged and the issue needs to be brought up with the homeowners.
Unfinished Business
Discussion/Action sewer pump repair/ replacement
Ed wasn’t present at the last meeting and had more information to share about the sewer pump. Ed said that the HTM tech looking at the sewer pump didn’t recommend rebuilding it. The bid for a new pump was a little confusing and looked pricier than it really was. The cost of a new sewer pump from HTM is $5,064 and that new pump would come with a 5-year warranty.
Scott made a motion to void the previous meeting motion on February 16, 2022, to have HTM SALES INC. rebuild the sewer pump, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Holland made a motion to purchase the new HOMA sewer pump from HTM SALES INC. for $5,064 with a 5-year warranty, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Discussion/Action funds for new well
Moriah did some research to see if the Community Development Fund Assets of $365,000 were available to spend on the new well project. After looking at the Resolution No: 02172016 from the sales/use tax increase back in 2016 there are not spending stipulations of these funds.
Discussion New well location
Ed presented a map with the location of 1,000 ft North of Well 6 to the board. We will now need to get with the landowner for permission to see if this could be a potential spot. We will also be in contact with our Engineer and Layne Christensen to see what the cost will be to drill a test spot.
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: No Report
Park: Baseball field concessions and bathroom pipes froze. Jeff said it looked like maybe everything wasn’t winterized like it should have been. Jeff will be in contact with the ballfield before next winter to make sure all the proper steps are taken to winterize the concession stand and bathroom to avoid this issue.
Park bathroom will continue to be closed until freezing temps are out of the forecast.
Streets: Hein Construction will be coming out in a few weeks to patch and seal the streets. Jeff will get ahold of Ryan Anderson regarding the glob of concrete on C Street.
Water: Lovell will be out in the next week to help change meters out in town.
Jeff has contacted Elkhorn fence numerous times to get the fence replacement project done around the water tower and well 5. Holland will follow up with Elkhorn Fence regarding the project start date.
Kicak recommended that the village should take a pro-active step with notifying everyone ahead of time and post flyers stating if we continue this dry spell without moisture, we will have to enforce water restrictions again this year. Moriah will make up flyers to post at all the businesses around town so that everyone is well prepared and not planting grass if this does go into effect.
Sewer: Jeff needs to take his sewer test and board told him to get a date set for his re-test. Ed said that the UV Lights need to be replaced because they are only good for so long and the last time, they were changed was in 2019. Kicak made a motion to replace the UV Lights and not to exceed the budgeted amount of $3,200, second by Holland. RCV: YES: Approved 4-0
Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is March 21, 2022 at 7:00pm
Public Comment:
Future Agenda Items:
Comprehensive plan Ordinance
Zoning Ordinance
Sub-Division Ordinance
Recommendations for Animal Safety Commission
Drill a new well
John Powers Cat issue
112 North 4th Street – Romero/Vogt Property (7/6)
Introduction of Larry Burke running for Cass County sheriff
Hiring Summer Help (4/20)
Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm