February 16, 2022 – 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Hall
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Chairperson Jared Blunt called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Blunt stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call was answered by Miki Bruns, Heather Scott, Renee Holland, Becky Kicak & Jared Blunt.
Minutes: Bruns made a motion, seconded by Scott to approve February 2,2022 meeting minutes. RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
Claims & Payroll: Blunt asked Jeff what the 2.75 hours of overtime was for. Holland made a motion, seconded by Kicak to approve the Claims and Payroll for February 15 & 16,2022 RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
Claims: AGML $7,725, Black Hills Energy $1,008.69, BOK Financial $22,211.25, Core & Main $434.54, Frontier Cooperative $392.46, IRS $870.78, Intuit QuickBooks $5.25, Lovell Excavating $800, Meeske Ace Hardware $52.24, Midwest Laboratories, Inc. $179.05, NE Dept. of Revenue $1,266.16, Utility Service Co. $2,706.28, Verizon Wireless $55.60, Village of Elmwood $11.60, WireBuilt Company $29, Payroll $4,107.36 RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
New Business
Discussion/Action Michael Hoback with AGML presenting the 2020-2021 Financial audit
Michael Hoback presented the 2020-2021 Financial Audit. Michael didn’t have any concerns or issues. Michael said that this has been the easiest year with the village during audit time because everything was organized, and all the requested documentation was provided. Michael said for Moriah to keep up the good work.
Discussion/Action Jenni with Cass County Economic Development yearend report
Jenni went over all their tracking stats from projects they landed and completed from 2019 – 2021.
Discussion/Action Nebraska Arts Council grant for music in the park for pie ride – Marie Gregoire
Bruns made a motion for Marie Gregoire to go ahead with the Arts Council Grant and finding the sponsors to cover the remaining 55% cost of the grant funds, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Discussion/Action 234 & 421 West F Street duplex tenant would like water/sewer on one bill – Madison Zoz
Board members discussed this matter and don’t see any reason why it couldn’t be done but nothing will be done unless we hear the request from the property owners.
Discussion/Action Shredding company for Town cleanup day
Tabled – Moriah will reach out to the bank regarding the amount of paper they might need shredded.
Discussion/Action Do we want to host a Cass County big appliance/metal recycling event
Board members discussed the dates that work with KCCB and decided on June 11th to host Cass County Big appliance clean up.
Discussion/Action Hiring Summer Help
Bruns made a motion to approve the Summer Help flyer, second by Holland. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Discussion/Action E-M Post Prom donation
No action taken
Unfinished Business
Discussion/Action Date for Electronic Recycling Event
This Cass County Electronic event will also take place on June 11th , 2022.
Discussion/Action Purchasing new street Christmas lights
Bruns made a motion to purchase 4 Mississippi Star streetlights from Northern Lights at $349 each plus shipping, second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Bruns made a motion to approve Feb 1-7, 2022 Payroll & Bills, second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Park: Scott asked Jeff to move the basketball hoops up to 10 feet.
Streets: The Fire Department helped Jeff remove the remaining Christmas streetlights. Jeff contacted Windstream about the low hanging lines in front of the school. Windstream came out and fixed the lines.
Water: Had Lovell replace curb stop at 213 East F Street. Jeff is going to see what other companies service the water tower since the price jumped up $300. Moriah will request the contract from Utility Services to see how long the village is locked into the current contract.
Sewer: Bruns made a motion to have the broken sewer pump rebuilt and not to exceed $3,400 for the repairs, second by Scott. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Planning/Zoning: Next meeting is February 28, 2022.
Public Comment:
Correspondence: Blunt read a Thank You from Keep Cass County Beautiful to the board members.
Future Agenda Items:
Comprehensive plan Ordinance
Zoning Ordinance
Sub-Division Ordinance
Recommendations for Animal Safety Commission
Drill a new well
John Powers Cat issue
112 North 4th Street – Romero/Vogt Property (3/2)
Community Development Fund information for new well (3/2)
Meeting adjourned at 8.29 pm