December 21, 2021 – 7:00 PM
Meeting Held at Elmwood Village Hall
The Village Board of Trustees met in regular session on Wednesday, December 21, 2021. Chairperson Jared Blunt called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Blunt stated that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Roll Call was answered by Miki Bruns, Heather Scott, Becky Kicak, Renee Holland & Jared Blunt. RCV: 5-0
Minutes: Bruns made a motion, seconded by Scott to approve December 1,2021 meeting minutes. RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
Claims & Payroll: Holland made a motion, seconded by Kicak to approve the Claims and Payroll for December 14,15 & 20,2021 RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
Claims: Black Hills Energy $280.94, Bromm Lindahl Freeman-Caddy & Lauster $924, Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather $385, Core & Main LP $20,984.42, Frontier Coop $102.02, IRS $764.54, Intuit QuickBooks $5.25, Jack Hovick $3.58, Jeff Clymer $43.22, JEO Consulting Group $1,000, Menards $76.84, Mid-American Research Chemical $814.46, Midwest Lab $122.55, NE Dept. of Revenue $1243.34, NE Digging $4,500, NE Rural Water Association $150, One Call Concepts $22.29, Southeast Area Clerks Association $10, St. Paul United Methodist Church $300.00, United Rentals $228.48, Verizon Wireless $53.83, Village of Elmwood $76.53, Wirebuilt Company $29, Payroll $3,654.33 RCV: Yes: Approved 5-0
New Business
Discussion/Action Clerk school for Moriah in March 2022
Motion made by Bruns to cover the 2022 Clerk school cost of $393 in Grand Island, Milage, Hotel and food per diem expense from March 13th – 18th 2022, Second by Kicak. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Discussion/Action Up in Smoke Firework Stand – Scott Howard
Scott will plan on setting up the Firework Stand in the park again for 2022. Moriah asked Scott about the donations to the park and Scott said he will talk to his brother and let me know an amount that they will donate to the park for using the parking spot space.
Discussion/Action Resolution No.12152021 – Highway Road Closure for Car/Bike Show
Holland Read Resolution No. 12152021
Motion by Bruns to approve Resolution No. 12152021, Second by Holland RCV: Approved 4-1 No-Kicak
Discussion/Action Backup Generator for well #3
Jeff provided some generator estimates from United Rentals. Blunt wanted to present the board on the cost of purchasing a backup generator for well #3. Blunt said the generator is portable so we could use it for other things as well. We will add the cost of the generator to the 2022-2023 Budget.
Discussion/Action Complaint about unsafe water notice – Jack Hovick
Blunt contacted Hovick regarding his complaint that not everyone is being notified about the unsafe water notice. Blunt told Hovick that the text alerts were sent out and notices were posted at the 3 posting locations Village Office, Gas station and Post office and just for safe measures it was posted on the Village Facebook page. He asked for suggestions and thanked him for his time.
Discussion/Action How we notify Elmwood Residents with Emergency Alerts
Blunt contacted the State (Tim Thares) and asked what was required to be done when an issue with water arises. Blunt typed up a flyer that Moriah will edit, and we will do another mass mailing to everyone in Elmwood. Thares told Blunt that if we mail this flyer out with all the information and options of communication then we wouldn’t need to walk flyers door to door. Motion by Kicak to mail out the flyer with changes, second by Bruns. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Unfinished Business
No Unfinished
Reports/Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Library: Bruns made a motion to approve November 2021 Minutes, Second by Holland. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Park: Board told Moriah to notify Elmwood Community Association that they need to remove the tree and presents from the gazebo at the park because the tree keeps falling over. Jeff adjusted the timer on the Christmas Lights after the power outage.
Streets: Stop signs are changed around at 2nd and West C Street. Jay Christensen has the tree located on East D Street scheduled for removal on February 26th, 2022. Moriah had someone that is moving into the duplex located on North West Street ask about the address because the street sign just says West Street and doesn’t have anything posted on it about being North, but the post office has it registered as North West Street. Board said that is something to take up with the post office. It has always been North West Street even though the sign just says West Street. Jeff told the board that the tractor is over on hours to be serviced. Blunt told Jeff to get the service scheduled and done since it is overdue.
Water: Rob with Elkhorn fence did a walk through to replace the fence with the security grant we are receiving. The hydrant valve was installed on North West Street and West D Street, but the hydrant isn’t in service. Ed said that there is still things that need to be taken care of by Jeff from the inspection that was done by the State. It’s a priority for Jeff to install the new grading and paint the rusted areas at the water plant. Jeff said he has Gary Marcoe making the grading and that he will get the rust scrapped off and re-painted.
Sewer: When NE Generators serviced the generator, they noticed a sensor was going bad that monitors the coolant levels. Motion made by Bruns, second by Scott to approve the bid to get the sensor replaced for $582.65. RCV: YES: Approved 5-0
Planning/Zoning: Next Meeting scheduled for January 24,2022 @ 7:00pm
Public Comment:
Pat Beckman – 209 East F Street
Was a notice placed in other places about the meeting being rescheduled to the 21st due to weather? Yes, they are posted in the 3 legal posting spots.
Becky Kicak -
Do we have an updated Comp Plan? P & Z Board is working on this.
Ed Blunt – 104 Railroad Ave.
Jeff needs something done with his cell phone because people are trying to reach him, and he isn’t answering so then they are calling me because he can’t be reached. Jeff said his cell phone battery is bad.
Correspondence: Bruns said she recommends one or more board members should attend the Cass County Economic meeting being held at Round the Bend Steakhouse Thursday January 27th. They are a huge asset to the Village with helping find grants and ways to improve our community.
Future Agenda Items:
Comprehensive plan Ordinance
Zoning Ordinance
Sub-Division Ordinance
Planning & Zoning board member recommendation
Meter change out Bids from local plumbers
Appoint a health board
New cell phone for Jeff
John Powers Cat issue
112 North 4th Street – Romero/Vogt Property (March 2022)
Meeting adjourned at 8:01 pm